benign lung nodule - 1262349


I had Vat's for a lung SPN, should there be any need for any follow up scans or am I finished with the follow -up?



That would depend on what was found. If the nodule wasn't related to cancer then your pulmonologist would need to make the call for your specific case. But most spn are nothing consequential and don't need to be followed. We're a cancer education website and are staffed with oncologists who deal with cancer not benign nodules. I hope you do well moving forward.

Dr West
Posts: 4735

I wouldn't think that there is any particular follow-up required for a benign nodule, though to be more clear, it depends on the findings, just as Janine noted -- there may or may not be reason to follow up on an infection or inflammation, but if it's cancer, it merits follow-up.

Good luck.

-Dr. West .