Bladder Cancer
Cancer Journey


Dr. Petros Grivas discusses intravesical treatment for patients with nonmuscle invasive, or early-stage, bladder cancer, the importance of...

Oncologists discuss emerging treatment options and best practices for bladder cancer, including ctDNA and Cisplatin usage. To watch the complete...

We are excited to bring new and updated information to share through our Bladder Cancer Video Library. For this video series, we are pleased to work...

We are excited to bring new and updated information to share through our Bladder Cancer Video Library. For this video series, we are pleased to work...

We are excited to bring new and updated information to share through our Bladder Cancer Video Library. For this video series, we are pleased to work...


Tell your story and help us help others! Apply online now for this paid opportunity. This program gives a voice to those who have experience in participating in a clinical trial for a cancer diagnosis. Your voice helps to educate and advocate for others who are in or who may be considering a clinical trial. We want to hear from you!

Please note! We have extended the application deadline! Apply by July 15, 2023 to be considered! We are excited to launch our third year of this...

We are excited to launch our third year of this program; tell your story and help us help others! Apply Online Now for this paid opportunity to tell...

Formas de hacer frente a las consecuencias del cuidado de otras personas En esta sección, analizamos posibles medidas que podemos tomar para apoyarnos...

El apoyo y el cuidador Cuidando a un cuidador Cuando llegan los informes de las pruebas y la creciente expectación confirma los peores temores con un...


Below are patient advocate info links that you may have missed. They were recorded during our targeted therapies forum but these pieces are valuable...

The research team at Tulane University is conducting an online survey of individuals with cancer. GRACE has been asked to share information about an...

Hello, My husband's has Stage IV cancer, but had surgery which surgeon got everything at the time cleaned out he thought. Put on Keytruda. Clear for...


Valuable share!
Last Comment by drpriyankachiripal on Sep 8, 2023 2:36 am
Hi Varvara,  Welcome to Grace
Last Comment by JanineT GRACE … on Jan 21, 2020 6:40 am

Bladder Cancer Video Library 2024


Dr. Petros Grivas discusses intravesical treatment for patients with nonmuscle invasive, or early-stage, bladder cancer, the importance of participating in clinical trials for bladder cancer, combination therapy options for patients with metastatic or incurable bladder cancer, and the importance of family history of cancer and discussing that history with your doctor.

Applications are now closed!... Be a Part of the Patient Perspectives: Clinical Trials Storytelling Program - 2024-25


Tell your story and help us help others! Apply online now for this paid opportunity. This program gives a voice to those who have experience in participating in a clinical trial for a cancer diagnosis. Your voice helps to educate and advocate for others who are in or who may be considering a clinical trial.  We want to hear from you!

Information everyone should have :)

Below are patient advocate info links that you may have missed.  They were recorded during our targeted therapies forum but these pieces are valuable to anyone. 


Nutrition during cancer treatment


Finding resources for patient and caregivers


I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.

Cómo apoyar a tu pareja - Cuidando al cuidador - Parte 2


Formas de hacer frente a las consecuencias del cuidado de otras personas


En esta sección, analizamos posibles medidas que podemos tomar para apoyarnos en las luchas que supone ser cuidador.


Tomarse un descanso/ Encontrar el "tiempo para mí"


Cuidar de alguien parece una ocupación a tiempo completo, pero no tiene por qué serlo. Cuidar de uno mismo nos prepara para desempeñar mejor nuestro papel.

Cómo apoyar a tu pareja - Cuidando al cuidador - Parte 1


El apoyo y el cuidador


Cuidando a un cuidador

Cuando llegan los informes de las pruebas y la creciente expectación confirma los peores temores con un diagnóstico de cáncer, sin duda a quien más afecta es al individuo. Sin embargo, sus ondas son de gran alcance; lo compartimos con nuestros padres, familiares, parejas, hijos o amigos, y casi cualquier persona en la que podamos confiar en busca de apoyo. 


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