CARBOPLATIN + VINORALBINE / IV IRON side efects??? - 1244931


Hi I was diagnosed with NSCLC stage IV on january 2008. I have been in multiple treatments of chemo and also Tarceva and iressa as well. For the last 12 months I have being on Iressa with stable results from my multiple bone mets until my last PET/CT where was detected new bone spots and progression of my older lesions. No liver,brain,lungs (except for the primary 1cm lesion) involved. My onc switched me from Iressa to carboplatin+vinoralbine which i started the first infusion last Friday. After the chemo they also make me an infusion of iv Iron because I have anemia. Also they put me decadron with the chemo.
My concern and my surprise is that after 48 hs of the infusion my bone mets pain are increased and have aditional body aches but specially were I know I have the lesions.
Could it be the worsening of the symptoms as a consequence or side efects of the chemo or Iron infusion?
Or is it a worsening of the disease? How long It can take to the chemo (if it is working) to improve the symptoms?
I will apreciate any comments.
Sorry about my English I know is rather poor



seb, your English is very good. No worries. I'm sorry you're having continued difficulties

I wonder if you are taking a XGEVA or zometa (zoledronic acid), both are bisphosphonates that help lessen the risk of adverse events from bone mets. However when they are given some people experience bone pain as a side effect.
the drug is described here along with other information about pain from bone mets.

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I hope you are able to track down the cause and eliminate it.

forum moderator

Dr West
Posts: 4735

Sometimes people do have more pain in the area of their tumor shortly after an infusion, but it doesn't mean that their cancer is progressing. For whatever reason, and I don't think we can really explain it, this sometimes happens.

It usually takes at least a few weeks, and often up to 6 or so, to see beneficial effects of a treatment for cancer even if it's working. It can be shorter, but it's typically in the range of weeks.

As Janine mentioned, a medication like Zometa (zoledronate) or XGEVA (denosumab) can also potentially help slow the rate of further skeletal complications in patients who have bone metastases.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

Posts: 4

Thank you catdander for your mesage. Refering to Zometa I had an infusion a cople of weeks ago after discontinuing it for 5 months. My onc is veri cautious about jawnecrosis since I was on Zometa for large periods of time. Thank you again!


seb, below is a list of side effects from iv iron. It doesn't mention aches and pains but as we are often reminded anything is possible with side effects from powerful drugs. I feel comfortable with the information given because it came from the Cleveland Clinic a well respected Hospital in Ohio. The entire article is linked to below the list.

I imagine (and I'm not a doctor) the most likely culprit is the zometa or as Dr. West suggested the chemo.

"*What are the effects of intravenous iron?
The side effects of IV iron are usually minimal, but may include the following:

gastrointestinal pains, including nausea and cramps
problems with breathing
skin problems, including rash
chest pain
low blood pressure
anaphylaxis (a severe reaction that can include difficulty breathing, itching, or a rash over the entire body)"


dr walko
Posts: 102

Bone pain and "flu like symptoms" are well known effects of iron infusions, however I have never heard of pain specifically where there is disease involvement. Also, generally these type of symptoms should go away within a few days.

In terms of the Zometa, I would agree that I've seen these type of side effects more from Zometa than iron. Every once in a while in my practice, I'll see a patient who had really bad bone pain that can last for days to even weeks. It is not common but definitely seen.

Hope you are feeling better soon!
Dr. Walko

Posts: 4

Dr. West, Dr Walko, Catdander,
Thank you very much for your responses and your time. Despite being enrolled in GRACE from a couple of years ago is very satisfying and rewarding for me as a patient to receive your qualified opinions and support from the moderator as well. Specially in my case living in SouthAmerica , Argentina, far away from the USA.
Again many thanks I really apreciate it.