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Denise Brock

Denise has over 30 years of varying experience in the healthcare arena.  In August 2009 she joined The Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education as one of its first employees.  She has grown with the organization and now oversees the operational movement of programs, efficiency, and effectiveness within the organization, as well as the daily processes and functions.  


Lung Cancer Video Library - Spanish Language: Video #14 Treating Early Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer
Tratamiento para el Cáncer de Pulmón de Células Pequeñas en Estadio Temprano
Denise Brock

For our 14th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Dr. Brian Hunis, Medical Director, Head and Neck Cancer Program, Memorial Cancer Institute, Miami, Florida, joined GRACE to discuss the basics of Lung Cancer for Spanish-speaking patients and caregivers.  In this video Dr. Hunis speaks about treating early stage small cell lung cancer.  


TRANSCRIPTS - Spanish and English

Tratamiento para el Cáncer de Pulmón de Células Pequeñas en Estadio Temprano

El tratamiento de cáncer de pulmón de células pequeñas en estadios limitados al pulmón, probablemente al mediastino, y no se ha esparcido a ninguna parte del cuerpo, está hecho con fines curativos. Por lo cual uno hace todo lo posible para tratar de eliminar ese tumor. Por lo general, rara vez esos tumores se operan y en cambio se tratan con una combinación de quimioterapia y de radioterapia. Se hacen quimioterapia en conjunto con radioterapia. Una vez que la radioterapia se completa, por lo general un mes y medio después, se hace quimioterapia en consolidación.

Hace unos años había un estudio muy grande que demostró también que en pacientes que terminaron su tratamiento de quimioterapia-radioterapia y que no han tenido ningún tipo de evidencia de enfermedad en estudios de seguimiento o de pesquisa, esos pacientes son buenos candidatos para hacer radioterapia al cerebro, inclusive en ausencia de enfermedad, de forma profiláctica y eso tiene una disminución hasta del 30% de riesgo de enfermedad metastásico en el sistema nervioso central.

Treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer in Early Stage

The treatment for small cell lung cancer in early stage that is limited to the lung, probably to the mediastinum and hasn’t gone into other parts of the body, its done with healing effects. So, we do everything that is possible in trying to eliminate that tumor. In general, these tumors are not surgically removed because they are treated with a combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Once the radiotherapy is completed, in about a month and a half later, we do consolidation chemotherapy.

Many years ago, a big clinical trial proved that in patients that finish their chemotherapy-radiotherapy treatment and have not had evidence of disease in the inquest studies, will be good candidates for brain chemotherapy. Even in the absence of disease, as a prophylactic method, this treatment will reduce in 30% the risk of metastatic disease in the central nervous system.

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