Article and Video CATEGORIES
For our 15th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Dr. Brian Hunis, Medical Director, Head and Neck Cancer Program, Memorial Cancer Institute, Miami, Florida, joined GRACE to discuss the basics of Lung Cancer for Spanish-speaking patients and caregivers. In this video Dr. Hunis speaks about treating later stage small cell lung cancer.
TRANSCRIPTS - Spanish and English
Tratamiento Para el Cáncer de Pulmón de Células Pequeñas en Estadio Avanzado
El tratamiento de cáncer de pulmón en células pequeñas de estadio extensivo es muy distinto al de células pequeñas de estadio temprano. La forma más distinta de tratarlo, es porque los pacientes, en general, no reciben quimioterapia y radioterapia al mismo tiempo en forma concurrente. Se les trata con quimioterapia de forma paliativa y la radioterapia se reserva también de forma paliativa, por ejemplo, si son pacientes que tienen metástasis óseas con dolor o si son pacientes que tienen metástasis en el sistema nervioso central. En pacientes que no tienen enfermedad en sistema nervioso central también se recomienda la radiación profiláctica del cráneo.
Treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer in Advanced Stage
The treatment for small cell lung cancer in advanced stage is very different than the one used in early stage. The biggest difference, in general, is that these patients don’t receive chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the same time. They are treated with palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy is saved for palliative cases, like for patients with bone metastasis that have pain or for patients with central nervous system metastasis. In patients that do not have the disease in the central nervous system, they are advised to take prophylactic cranium radiation.
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Hi Stan,
It's so good to hear you and yours are doing well and that you were able to spend time with both families for Thanksgiving. I know it meant a...
Hi Stan! It is good to hear from you -- I am so very happy you are doing well. I agree with Janine that family and friends - our chosen family...