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Denise Brock

Denise has over 30 years of varying experience in the healthcare arena.  In August 2009 she joined The Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education as one of its first employees.  She has grown with the organization and now oversees the operational movement of programs, efficiency, and effectiveness within the organization, as well as the daily processes and functions.  


Lung Cancer Video Library - Spanish Language: Video #16 ALK Rearrangements: What Are They and Which Patients Have Them?
Reacomodos de la Cinasa de Linfoma Anaplásico (CLA): ¿Qué Son? Y ¿Qué Pacientes la Tienen?
Denise Brock


For our 16th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Dr. Brian Hunis, Medical Director, Head and Neck Cancer Program, Memorial Cancer Institute, Miami, Florida, joined GRACE to discuss the basics of Lung Cancer for Spanish-speaking patients and caregivers.  In this video Dr. Hunis speaks about ALK rearrangements, what they are and who has them.  


Reacomodos de la Cinasa de Linfoma Anaplásico (CLA): ¿Qué Son? Y ¿Qué Pacientes la Tienen?

El cancer de pulmón de células no pequeñas ha demostrado tener mutaciones genéticas que hacen que ese cancer se pueda desarrollar y crezca. Una de esas mutaciones presente en menos del 10% de los pacientes es la mutación o translocación del gen ALK.

Es mutación o translocación permite que una proteína oncogénica se desarrolle, con lo cual los pacientes están predispuestos a desarrollar cancer de pulmón de células no pequeñas.

Por lo general, esos son pacientes no fumadores, de sexo femenino o con una historia remota de consumo de tabaco de forma remota o muy limitada.

Rearrangements of the Anaplastic Kinase Lymphoma (ALK): What Are They? And, What Patients Have Them?

Non-small cell lung cancer has proved to have many mutations that make the cancer develop and grow. One of these mutations is in less than 10% of them and it’s the mutation or translocation of the ALK gene.

This mutation or translocation allows an oncogenic protein to develop, so these patients will be predisposed to develop non-small cell lung cancer.

In general, these are non-smokers, feminine patients or with a history of limited tobacco consumption.

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