Avastin Alone or with Alimta Following First-Line Chemotherapy: A Tale of 3 Trials


For many years, chemotherapy for advanced or metastatic NSCLC had been limited to the use of “doublet” (two-drug) therapy using different combination regimens that were overall found to have very similar outcomes, but with different toxicity (side effect) profiles. Attempts to add a third chemotherapy agent for a triplet regimen, and numerous attempts to add different targeted-therapy agents, had dismal success. Not only did most of the combinations fail to improve on the survival outcomes, they increased the number of side effects compared with doublet chemotherapy alone.

Video Presentation on Timing of Chemo after First Line for Advanced NSCLC


With special thanks to Harvey and Bernice Janssen for providing support to make it possible, I'm pleased to post a new video presentation on the topic of Timing the Transition to Maintenance/Second Line Chemotherapy for Advanced NSCLC. We can expect new information to emerge in the coming months and years, but here is the current snapshot of what we know, along with a little describing what I think (noted as such), about this important topic today.


For those accessing the audio only version (mp3), the accompanying figures are here, as well as a transcript:

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