cards7up celebrates 5 years! - 1295155


cards7up posted a thread over on inspire today "5 Years Ago Today"

that tells her remarkable story of 5 year survival after a relapse of NSCLC.

I thought the GRACE community could also celebrate and acknowledge the remarkable contributions cards7up makes to help other people who are facing similarly difficult situations.…

3 Cheers for cards7up!


Posts: 635

Thank you onthemark for posting this here. I usually come to GRACE and post updates but yesterday was such a busy day with grandkids going back to school and helping another friend with bladder cancer.
I won't repost since you've put a link to the Inspire one.
I do want to say that onthemark also let me know on Inspire that my great surgeon, Dr. David Sugarbaker passed away on the day of my 5 year anniversary from having surgery with him.
I am so saddened to hear of his passing at such a young age. He was only 1 year older than me. I'm sure Dr. West and others in the Lung Cancer communities know what a well respected and pioneering surgeon he was. He went around the world training other surgeons. He will definitely be missed and mourned in the LC community. Godspeed Dr. Sugarbaker!
Take care, Judy


Congratulations Judy!

I'm thrilled to hear the 5 year mark has arrived. I think you may have been one of Dr. Sugarbaker's pioneering patients for it wasn't that long ago surgery on a second mass would not have happened. Even today many in the oncology field wouldn't have made the proposal. I'm glad you did. You are a beacon of light and good will to so many. We're lucky to have you.

We'll celebrate both you and Dr. Sugerbaker.

Big (((HUGS)))!

Posts: 635

Thanks Janine! It wasn't a second mass though, it was a local recurrence. I didn't have surgery the first time. And he did a great job since it grew into the pleura. I can honestly say, I don't think I'd be here today if it wasn't for him! Take care, Judy

Posts: 237

All the best, with warmth, and happiness, on your 5 year mark! May your life continue to be filled with many more great milestones!

And with great thanks to all you have done to help others, here and on Inspire!

Posts: 2753

Congratulations on attaining the five-year milestone, Judy...certainly an occasion to celebrate!

And condolences on the passing of Dr. Sugarbaker. He's been referenced several times here on GRACE, and I'm sure his contributions have improved the quality of surgery for many more than just his own patients.

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