My husband had lung nodule discovered incidentally on abdominal CT. Underwent lobectomy in June when in-surgical frozen section showed it was mucinous BAC, stage 1b. He has recovered well and just underwent his 3 month CT where a "6 mm stable ground glass nodule in left lower lobe" was mentioned. Apparently it was visible on prior scans and no comment was made on it. How can they not mention it when that is how BAC presents? Everyone tells us that he has an excellent prognosis, I'm worried sick that what we thought was stage 1 is likely not since this very well could develop into another BAC lesion. He is only 42 years old. How do you all deal with the constant anxiety/worry that comes up with every new scan?
Constant worry after lobectomy - 1288740
Reply # - September 26, 2016, 08:22 AM
Welcome to GRACE. I'm sorry that your husband's scan result has caused you such worry. Everyone who deals with cancer and follow-up scans understands what you are going through, and there is even a term for it - "scanxiety". I don't have any magical advice on dealing with it, although GRACE social worker Leah de Roulet has some thoughts about managing scanxiety here.
In your husband's situation, it is good to note the 6 mm nodule is unchanged, which tends to indicate that it is not cancer or that it is an indolent process. If subsequent scans continue to show stability or even very minor growth, that would indicate that treatment is not necessary, and that this process is so indolent that it is not life-threatening.
I hope that you can find a way to minimize your scanxiety; further scan results which don't show significant growth will help.
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