Here is the biopsy report of my wife:please let me know if there was a delay in her diagnosis.only 10 months before this biopsy she was examined by the hospital .The hospital did not do a mammogram.She was treated in August 2012- April 2013- October 2013 for breast pain and she was told she has nothing.Please note again that no mammogram or biopsy was done at this hospital.She was diagnosed with cancer in july 2014. she is 37 years old and a mother of 3 kids.
The histological picture is that of invasive ductal carcinoma of mucoid subtype grade 1 according to the Scarff Bloom Richrad grading system with rare scattered in situ component of non comedo subtype pattern,infiltrative margin on a background of extracellular pool of mucinous evidence of any associated stromal lymphatic permeation is seen minimal lymphocytic cells infiltrate around and in between tumour cells.
No evidence of multicentric. And/ or multifocal lesions is seen.
No evidence pf any associated atypical lobular or/ and epitheliosis is seen in the remaining breast fibrocystic disease parenchymatous tissue changes.
Delay in breast cancer diagnosis - 1265766
Reply # - September 5, 2014, 03:49 PM
I'm sorry about her diagnosis
I'm sorry about her diagnosis, especially at such a young age. However, this isn't really something that we can do. First, a biopsy report doesn't speak to whether there was an unnecessary delay in the workup. In addition, our role is to provide general information and not provide commentary or interpret the findings of the management of individual patients. This is really the kind of question that can best be done, and probably only be done, by someone providing a detailed second opinion after reviewing all of the evidence.
Good luck.
-Dr. West