Does lung cancer flucuate with enlarged nodes and ground glass appearances??? - 1255808


A recent ct scan with contrast reveals small mediastinal nodes, 5 mm bilateral precarinal nodes, right hilar node-4-5 mm, opacification of subsegmental branches of the pulmonary arteries, linear density at the lung base likely to atelectasis, patchy ground glass attenuation lower lobes, with lesser degree in upper lobes. Dr West, how long would you wait to have a repeat ct scan to re-evaluate the above status? Symptoms continue to include ongoing shortness of breath, but I also suffer from ongoing connective tissue disorders. I have a faMILY HISTORY OF LUNG CANCER. Also, when I have a flare up WITH MY CONNECTIVE TISSUE my thymus gland is always swollen, any connection with lung cancer and enlarged thymus? Also if the next cat scan looks good is it recommended I have another scan following the normal scan? Can lung cancer present with swollen lymph nodes ,hilar and mediastinal nodes as well as ground glass that fluucates from month to month? Many Thanks!!!!!!!!!


Dr West
Posts: 4735

To my knowledge, there is no connection between an enlarged thymus gland and lung cancer. I can't comment on how long I would wait to re-scan someone with that picture, because I'm not seeing the images and can't assess the level of risk of lung cancer carefully enough. The lymph nodes are not abnormally enlarged, so there isn't clearly anything here that suggests cancer, though if the ground-glass attenuation is more than about 8 mm, a repeat CT in 6-12 months would likely be appropriate.

Please bear in mind that, as an oncologist, my specialty is treating known cancer and not in assessing ambiguous lung findings that are seen very commonly in routine medical care but don't turn out to be cancer. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful, but you're asking for a medical recommendation for follow-up of a scan I can't see, also a question that isn't really the primary focus of my field.

Good luck.

-Dr. West


Dr. West gave the real input before I could placate you until he arrived. But since he did that twice yesterday I'll let this one stand; It's almost right on. :)

Hi pamela, If your talking about fluctuating a mm or 2 yes it's possible for the reading to fluctuate but cancer doesn't shrink on its own.
Repeat CT scans can be done when looking a suspect area or areas at 3 months if it's considered worrisome enough or at a year if it's thought to be most likely nothing. But if symptoms change or get worse they can be done earlier. That really needs to be assessed by someone who has all the info. A second opinion at a large teaching hospital is always an option.

It's impossible (legally and intellectually) for Dr. West or any of our faculty to know what they would do with just the info give. I know your family has had a lot of lung cancer but I can't remember if you do. Of course pulmonologists not oncologists do work ups on people with suspect lung cancers.

I wish you and your family the best,