Familial Cancers - 1261975


My mother and I were both diagnosed with cancer days apart in 2012 (mom-Lung, me-Thyroid). Mom passed about a month and a half ago and my sister (she is under 30 yrs old) is awaiting biopsy results for a 6.5 cm mass on her breast. Doctor says she is nearly positive it is cancer after just the sono and mammo. So obviously, we are a family that has been rocked--two years, three DIFFERENT cancers, every woman in my family. I've done some reading regarding familial cancers, but cannot find a link between these particular cancers. My question, could this be a genetic thing or would it be considered "bad luck"? Other family cancers are prostate on one side, pancreatic on another and a distant uncle with colon cancer. Any thoughts appreciated.

Thank you for your help.



Hi kkeys, I'm so sorry you've just lost your mother, I can't imagine adding your own dx and the possibility of your sister. There's not a lot understood about familial reasons for cancers, we don't have much in the order of an explanation on Grace. Some types of cancer have known genetic causes like some types of breast cancer.

I'll make sure you get a response from our faculty.

I hope your sister is in the middle of a nasty scare that ends with a benign biopsy and you do well from here.

All best,

Dr West
Posts: 4735

I think it would be very appropriate to seek a consultation with a genetic counselor who can help address your concerns. It sounds like you have enough of a family history that a consultation and very likely some testing for hereditary risk factors could be checked.

Many larger centers have a genetics counselor or at least can point a person to someone who can address these issues.

Good luck.

-Dr. West