The Flu Has Arrived - 1252449


The flue has arrived in my home in Louisville, KY. Just wondering your thoughts on Tamiflu. My 11 year old tested positive today (caught very early) so they put him on Tamaflu. Tony emailed his oncologist who touched base with an infectious disease doctor and they don't want him on Tamiflu unless he presents with symptoms for 24 hours. My pharmacist (sister) and primary doctor (nephew) flipped out and said everyone in my house needs to be on it. I'm not asking you guys to tell me what to do but I am curious what you are telling your own patients. Luckily, Tony is on a chemo break at the moment so his counts shouldn't be low and he had the shot. I know he is probably destined to get it. He says he's too busy to be sick because census is way up at all five of the hospitals he works in (biomed) - love his attitude. Louisville is being hit hard, as is most of the country. My son is a nurse and they are offering triple time to work because census is so crazy. Thoughts on Tamiflu?


Dr West
Posts: 4735

I am not specifically telling my patients to take it, but this is not really my expertise. I would defer to an infectious disease specialist's recommendation, and they haven't been broadly recommending that we prescribe it for our patients.

-Dr. West

Posts: 36

Thanks. Flu is a first for us. My kids have never had strep, the flu or very seldom the common cold. We'll just play it by ear and hope Tony isn't the "lucky" one who gets it! 70 degrees and sunny (very unusual) in Louisville so I opened all the windows to let the fresh air in. Appointment with oncologist Monday to discuss our chemo options. I'm hoping Tony will be willing to try a lower dose of Taxotere and see if he can tolerate it better.


Love the new pic!

Good luck at in making the new plan.
Good luck at not getting the flu.

We're in Birmingham and it's 70 with windows open here too. Are we sure it's January 11?

Posts: 324

Trying really hard to avoid Flu! So far we have been lucky! So far haven't had an issue with low white count. I put a Raw onion out. It is suppose to help! It helped me last year! Hope your flu isn't to severe! Is the Tamiflu a flu Vaccine? I got a flu shot so hoping we miss it! My sister seems to get everything. She has her Grandaughter living with her and she brings home everything! Luckily she stays away from me if they have the virus in there house!

laya d.
Posts: 714

Interesting question...

80% of my personal household is fighting the flu right now - - and it's been pretty knarly (btw: two of us got the flu shot this year, but still have the flu right now). I was speaking to a medical doctor about Tamiflu yesterday, and it was her opinion that it may not be as effective as it has been touted to be and that there may be some issues with its clinical trials. Anyway, I did a quick Internet search tonight and found this:… May be worth another conversation with your sister and/or nephew. . .


Posts: 36

Went to visit my 88 year old mother today and several of my siblings/nieces/nephews were there. We got into this huge debate over whether the flu shot helps or not and also debated Tamiflu. I work in a school and have seen several other teachers and kids get the flu after getting the shot. I personally never get one. My daughter is also a teacher and doesn't get one, husband and son are in hospitals and had to get them. Some family members think we're crazy for not getting it but hey - they got one and got the flu! As far as Tamiflu, my son was diagnosed via a swab very early on and put on Tamiflu. I'm not sure if he didn't have a bad case of the flu or if the Tamiflu helped but he turned the corner very quickly. His case was a piece of cake. The rest of us in this house chose to take our chances and not take Tamiflu. So far, so good. Anyway, it lead to some interesting debates today! Layla, hope everyone in your house bounces back quickly!