(following) - 1242662




Posts: 61

Hi Craig,

Individual topics can be followed by subscribing to them directly, so no need to post in a forum to get updates on it, if that's what you were after here. :)

I'll remove this post once you reply and acknowlege.

Cheers and thanks,


Posts: 330

That's pretty good, Mark. I didn't see that before, was it just activated?

Is there a solution is there for being notified of new topics? I.e., any new discussion topics under a particular category?

Posts: 61

Actually, the forum subscriptions are one of the few features that bbPress offers out of the box. :)

Unfortunately, there's no "new topic" feature. We're trying to add things like that as quick as possible, but in the meantime, your best bet is to just visit the site periodically and use the "All GRACE Forums Recent Activity" link on the right sidebar to scan for new activity. It's not ideal, but something. :)

