Help understanding what the CT results mean. - 1261060


I went to the ER thinking appendicitis. I had/have a right lower backache, nausea, bloating, some abdominal pain, and sever stomach cramping for 3-4 days. Had a CT that showed no signs of appendicitis, but showed an enlarged spleen, sigmoid diverticulosis, (no evidence of diverticulitis) and prominent mesenteric, retroperitoneal and groin lymph nodes. I am supposed to see a GI doctor ASAP. The ER doctor also mentioned there was some inflammation surrounding an artery. She would not say what she thought, and was back and forth about releasing me, but felt there was nothing else they could do.

Any ideas? I am female, 44 and no chance of pregnancy.


Dr West
Posts: 4735

I'm sorry you're dealing with this uncertainty. Unfortunately we're know a lot about your case than the ER doctor directly involved, who didn't feel able to speculate. The list of possibilities is too great for us to just make wild guesses about the possible meaning of scans we haven't seen in a person we don't know.

As cancer specialists, we are happy to provide any insights we can about the best management of certain cancers (we have experts in some cancers, but not all), but you don't have a diagnosis of cancer at this time, so we really aren't the right people to jump in right now.

Good luck.

-Dr. West