Liz's topic on adrenal tumor symptoms - 1245141


Liz, I'm sorry but your good post got trashed when I trashed the blank post. But luckily I copied it first because those kinds of things happen all too often to me.
Janine forum moderator

Question: What kind of symtoms could an adrenal turmor cause? Could it cause shortness of breath, or a rapid heart beat? Husband was hospitalized overnight because of atrial flutter and/or fribulation. He was already taking 100mg Metoprolol once a day. They gave him some in iv and it brought the heart rate down. He has been short of breath for a bit now. Pulse ox is good. Lungs sound good. No damage to heart is evident. Could the adrenal turmor cause any of this?



Liz, Thank you for your question. I'm sorry for the mix up. Your question has been sent to a doctor for comment and you should get a response in the next 24 hours, on this thread. Please let me know you have seen this thread.

Also if you would let us know a little more about your question such as is this a primary tumor or is this a metastasis from another cancer. I'm not sure it will make any difference in the answer you'll receive.

Hopes for the best for you,

dr. weiss
Posts: 206

A primary adrenal tumor (tumor that started in the adrenal) can cause high heart rate and high blood pressure. Certainly, in patients whose hearts sometimes go into afib, a primary adrenal tumor could cause it to be more likely to go into afib. This is because primary adrenal tumors can secrete hormones that "rev up" the heart. However, it would be highly unusual for lung cancer that has spread to the adrenal to cause hormone release directly causing this.

However, lung cancer makes people sick (yes, I mean in the very general sense) and can increase the chances of other problems that make people sicker (such as infections). Some people have conduction problems in the heart that make their hearts prone to afib. Whenever these people get "sick" such as with infection, or lung cancer, the heart can get upset and go into afib. Rapid afib can certainly make a person short of breath. In these cases, afib is a general, vague symptom of the body and heart being unhappy.