memory loss - 1260547


I am wondering if these is any evidence of long term memory loss after Chemotherapy and radiation.
I was treated a year ago with Avastin Carboplatin and Camptosar for Nueroendocrince Carcinoma. I was also on Affinitor for a short while. I am on Aromasin now.
The memory loss does not seem to have improved. If possible, it seems worse...word finding problems, forgetting information, etc. This has me very concerned. I understand that the Platinum drugs cross the Blood-Brain barrier. Thank you so much for your time. Anne


Dr West
Posts: 4735

"Chemo-brain" is only beginning to be studied in a systematic way. Platinum-based chemo isn't identified as a significantly worse offender than other regimens. Cognitive side effects after brain radiation is a greater concern overall, but that too is only now becoming a meticulously evaluated aspect of some clinical trials. I'm sorry that I don't have information on details of frequency, typical severity, or potential reversibility at this time: I'm not sure anyone has information to address these questions with clarity yet.

Good luck.

-Dr. West