I had wedge resection 6/2015 chemo clean up ended 9/2015
Biopsied enlarged lymph nodes in mud chest said to be local recurrence.
Clean up chemo missed cells..... Radiation Dr said the nodes are shrinking.
I k
know that's good but still worry about destroying completely and what if it doesn't.
Goal to get it before any spread...none now..medical oncologist wants to maybe do 2 more rounds aggressive chemo after all radiation is done.I'd this common. Know I will have me awful side effects as type first time..now it's like dose and no dude affects..whatnot you think..ad anything listed? Know I posted several questions and concerns. Thank you for any advice.etc
Mary M M
One week left......Radiation and chemotherapy - 1273373
Reply # - March 24, 2016, 07:05 AM
Hi Mary,
Hi Mary,
I'm not sure I understand the timeline of your events properly. If enlarged lymph nodes were discovered recently and are currently being treated with radiation, then it would not be unusual to add chemotherapy after the radiation, since it's impossible to know if there are other cancer cells missed by your previous chemo in addition to those in the lymph nodes.
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