Is it always advisable to stop crizotinib during radiation? My friend is being scheduled for a 10 - session course of radiation to the femur area (where a rod and pin where added due to bone mets). I see that this topic was discussed a few years ago, but I don't see a recent discussion. She has stage 4 nsclc adenocarcinoma with liver and bone mets. She started crizotinib (250 mg twice daily) on Jan. 23, 2016. I'm concerned that she hasn't been on the drug very long and will now be going off for a roughly two-week period. Thank you!
Reply # - February 9, 2016, 01:18 PM
Hi and welcome to Grace. I'm
Hi and welcome to Grace. I'm so sorry your friend has lung cancer and hope she does well with ALK inhibitors for a long time. It's still common to quit crizotinib during radiation to the lung because the radiation combined with the drug can cause radiation over sensitizing effect that can't be estimated. It's likely the team is worried about over sensitizing the area with the rod and pin. But she would need to ask her oncologist for the reasoning.
Dr. West describes the unlikelihood of stopping criz for radiation treatment.…
This is a delicate balance the oncology team (and likely the ortho doc) must play to keep your friend as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
I hope for the best,