Below is a quote example of many others that I have read. I know I asked this question before but here I am again. Is there anyone who could put these numerous examples that I have read describing in more detail than this one below in context?
"A growing body of evidence suggests that cancer surgery itself may increase the risk of metastasis (spread to other areas) via numerous mechanisms including: increasing cancer cell adhesion, suppressing immune function, promoting angiogenesis, and stimulating inflammation."
Reply # - July 22, 2014, 08:39 AM
Reply To: Surgery
The quote you reference seems to be based on a single study:… That study acquired its data "by searches of PubMed and references from relevant articles using the search terms “surgery,” “CRC,” and “metastases.” It does not appear to represent a change in thinking about the value of surgery for early-stage cancer, as even the page upon which your quote appears ( ) states that "Surgical removal of cancer typically provides the best chance of disease-free survival."
As Dr. West has said "The most important thing you can do in the pre-operative period to improve your chances of doing well is to work with a well qualified thoracic surgeon rather than the closest person who might say they do lung cancer surgery." -…
Forum moderator
Reply # - July 22, 2014, 11:53 AM
Reply To: Surgery
Jim's point that this work is based on indirect evidence in a report is very important.
If you search the internet for something to support an idea, no matter how incorrect the idea, you can almost always find something to back it up -- there are plenty of creationists who deny the evidence on evolution, and there is probably a website still promoting the idea that the world is flat, but there's no point in engaging in a debate on the subject.
The concept that surgery is a bad idea of surgically resectable cancer flies in the face of literally hundreds of years of experience and the prevailing treatment standards of all knowledgeable medical organizations on the subject throughout the industrialized world. The evidence supporting it is many orders of magnitude more compelling than the passing comment that purports that surgery leads to worse outcomes.
-Dr. West
Reply # - July 22, 2014, 01:41 PM
Reply To: Surgery
Very convincing and comforting.."thank you