La Dra. Ivy Riano analiza las diversas opciones de tratamiento para pacientes con cáncer y analiza las diversas opciones de tratamiento para pacientes con cáncer. Para ver la lista completa de videos da click aquí.
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For this series, GRACE sat down with Marco Ruiz, MD, an oncologist at Memorial Cancer Institute specializing in hematologic or blood cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and myelofibrosis. He is also an experienced bone marrow transplant specialist and is active in
For this video on the risks and benefits of Ibrutinib Idelalisib, GRACE sat down with Marco Ruiz, MD, an oncologist at Memorial Cancer Institute specializing in hematologic or blood cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and myelofibrosis. He is also an experienced
GRACE sat down with Dr. Marco Ruiz to discuss information regarding the chimeric T cell receptors treatment against tumoral antigens (CAR-T) and how it works (¿Cuál es la terapia de receptores de linfocitos T quiméricos contra antígenos tumorales (CAR-T)? y ¿Cómo funciona ?). Stay tuned for more on
GRACE is pleased to present updates in blood cancer treatments for our Spanish Blood Cancer Library with Dr. Marco Ruiz. Dr. Ruiz shares information regarding Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, (Leucemia crónica linfocítica y linfoma no Hodgkin)., specifically "Are all diffuse
GRACE sat down with Dr. Marco Ruiz to discuss information regarding all diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and are they made equally ("¿Todos los linfomas difusos de linfocitos B (DLBCL) están hechos iguales?"). Stay tuned for more on our continuing video series with our Spanish speaking faculty
GRACE sat down with Dr. Marco Ruiz to discuss information regarding the role of surveillance imaging in indolent lymphomas and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (¿Cuál es el rol de vigilancia imagenológica en linfomas indolentes y en la leucemia crónica linfocítica?). Stay tuned for more on our
GRACE sat down with Dr. Marco Ruiz to discuss information regarding inhibitory molecules like the programmed cell death protein 1 (PD1) and its ligand (PDL1), and if they are active in lymphoma and in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (¿Están activos moléculas inhibitorias como el de la muerte programada
GRACE sat down with Dr. Marco Ruiz to discuss information regarding acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in elderly patients (Leucemia aguda mieloide (LMA) en la población de tercera edad). Stay tuned for more on our continuing video series with our Spanish speaking faculty on updates in blood cancer
GRACE sat down with Dr. Marco Ruiz to discuss information regarding when and who to refer for hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) (¿Cuándo y para quién se recomienda el trasplante de células hematopoyéticas (TCH)?). Stay tuned for more on our continuing video series with our Spanish speaking
GRACE sat down with Dr. Marco Ruiz to discuss information regarding the role of fms related tyrosine kinase 3 (flt3) and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) mutations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (¿Cuál es el rol de la tirosina cinasa 3 afín a FMS (FLT3) y de las mutaciones en las neoplasias
GRACE sat down with Cesar A. De Las Casas, MD, MPH, to discuss information regarding if there is a best maintenance therapy (¿Existe una terapia de mantenimiento mejor sobre las demás?). Stay tuned for more on our continuing video series with our Spanish speaking faculty on updates in blood cancer
GRACE sat down with Cesar A. De Las Casas, MD, MPH, to discuss information regarding whether all patients should receive an autologous transplant (¿Todos deberían de recibir un trasplante autólogo?). Stay tuned for more on our continuing video series with our Spanish speaking faculty on updates in
GRACE sat down with Cesar A. De Las Casas, MD, MPH, to discuss information regarding the new antibodies for multiple myeloma (MM) therapy (¿Cuáles son los anticuerpos nuevos para la terapia del mieloma múltiple (MM)?). Stay tuned for more on our continuing video series with our Spanish speaking
GRACE sat down with Cesar A. De Las Casas, MD, MPH, to discuss information regarding if there a preferred induction therapy (¿¿Hay alguna terapia de inducción preferida?). Stay tuned for more on our continuing video series with our Spanish speaking faculty on updates in blood cancer treatments, and