Worried that i have pancoast cancer or lung cancer


I am a 15 year old male and have been vaping THC pens for about a year, sometimes I take breaks but do it pretty daily, About 3 days ago after vaping I randomly got this pain in my upper back out of nowhere and it was in the early morning, after that i got scared and havent smoked since, although for the pain it has stayed there for these past 3 days, for the first day the pain was mild and wasnt very noticeable while moving, but on then on the 2nd day it stayed there all day, although i would say the pain is more intense if i am laying down and if i am standing up i would say its only noticeable when I move but slightly, my main concern started when the pain would radiate to my arms and developed tingling sensation in my fingers, its stayed that way even as i am writing this. Is it likely that it is cancer? I read somewhere that pancoast cancer can be caused by chemicals which my vapes might have had such as potential pesticides.I was in the hospital about a month ago and they had to take samples of my blood but this was because i had a stomach virus but the doctor said everything was clean. I would also say that the tingling goes away and comes back but only when i am really thinking about it and getting anxious.