Dr. Doebele joined the faculty at University of Colorado Denver in July of 2008 as a member of the Thoracic Malignancies Program. He is currently Associate Professor of Medicine. He is co-founded and co-directs the University of Colorado Molecular Tumor Board, is Scientific Lead for ORIEN at the University of Colorado, and a co-PI of the University of Colorado Lung Cancer SPORE. He is also a Senior Editor at the AACR journal Clinical Cancer Research. Dr. Doebele is a recipient of the 2011 Boettcher Webb-Waring Biomedical Award and the 2013 V Foundation for Cancer Research, V Scholar Award.
Forum Discussions
I did 3 brain CT scans in the period of two months, the first two in the first weeks of July and the other on the last week of August.
I know that CTs are harmful because of radiation, but could this
(djorner3) I can’t seem to find an answer to my question concerning is it is better to start treatment sooner for a cancerous tumor when it is small and less complex or is there no difference in
Wondering if anyone has info on compatibility of berberine with Tarceva. I called Genentech but they didn’t know. I am taking it because it has similar properties to metformin but less side effects as
My current situation is that I have been on Tagrisso 80 mg for 13 months. First scan showed the 15+ nodules I had in my lungs all disappeared with the exception of 1 which was reduced to a 1/3
March 26, 2018 at 10:40 pm #1294138
Hi, 64 Y/O female, asian, dx 12/2011 Stage 4 Adneo del 19 egfr+, Tarceva for almost 5 years, no progression, then small progression, Almita/Carbo 4
Sorry, neglected to answer fully. Yes, I have been given meds for pain bur am only able to use them
Thanks so much for the information. I am sorry I wasn’t clear. I understand why we are leaving the
Hello again!
The item she uses to help with the pills is called Thick-It and it is a food
(TARJONES) One more thing I forgot to mention….my mother in law too had issues with these pills as
***(ADMIN NOTE -- This post is from TARJONES, who is somewhat new to GRACE. Due to the newness of