Can Lung Cancer be Over-Treated? Discuss This in Our Upcoming Tweet Chat.


The concept of "over-treatment" of lung cancer may sound heretical to some here, as it is unquestionably a fearsome cancer. Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that cancers can range from quite indolent to virulently aggressive and that some forms may be so minimally threatening that treatment may be worse than the disease.

Lung Cancer Tweet Chat: Cultivating Our Sense of an Online LC Community


I've written here before about the potential benefits of people joining Twitter ( as a tool to share more than just trivial information about what you're eating for  lunch or your random musings while in the line at the bank.  I have met many remarkable people through Twitter and learned an incredible amount of very timely information from what I've seen in the "twitter streams" from people and organizations I follow. I also use it to share the latest results in real time on important trials being presented at medical meetings.

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