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Patient Education Ambassadors 2023-24

Drs. Matthew Kurian, Karan Jatwani, and Karine Tawagi discuss risk factors for developing prostate cancer, PSA test in prostate cancer screening, biopsies in prostate cancer, among other relevant information about prostate cancer. To watch the full playlist click here.

Patient Education Ambassadors 2023-24

La Dra. Ivy Riano analiza las diversas opciones de tratamiento para pacientes con cáncer y analiza las diversas opciones de tratamiento para pacientes con cáncer. Para ver la lista completa de videos da click aquí.

Foro de Pacientes de Terapias Dirigidas de Cáncer de Pulmón

Este 20 de julio no te puedes perder nuestro Foro anual de pacientes de terapias dirigidas de cáncer pulmón de GRACE en ESPAÑOL. Es un evento educativo para pacientes en vivo, virtual e interactivo, que incluye presentaciones y mesas redondas que cubren una diversa gama de cánceres de pulmón y opciones de tratamiento. Este evento educativo para pacientes, en directo, virtual e interactivo, incluye presentaciones y mesas redondas que cubren temas generales relevantes para una amplia gama de...

Patient Education Ambassadors 2023-24

Dr. Gladys Rodriguez and Hannah Manella, RD, discuss addressing nutritional concerns of patients who are undergoing cancer care.

Head And Neck Cancer Program

Drs. Shetal Patel, Siddharth Sheth, and Jared Weiss discuss the most recent advances in head and neck cancer treatment, including curable and incurable head and neck cancers, thyroid cancers, and HPV positive and negative cancers.

PEA 2024-25 final

GRACE is pleased to announce the acceptance of five rising stars into the 6th year of the GRACE Patient Education Ambassadors Program for the 2024-25 Program Year! All five candidates have shown a genuine passion for patient education and innovation in connecting with the patient community. The program will encompass the participants creating content which will be featured on the GRACE website, working alongside GRACE faculty, Board and staff, and learning the most current and effective...

Lung Cancer OncTalk 2023

At our live event, Lung Cancer OncTalk 2023, Dr. Puneeth Iyengar discusses using radiation therapy in metastatic lung cancer, advances in Oligometastatic disease, (SBRT) for Oligoprogressive, The NRG-LU Trial, and future goals of metastatic NSCLC Treatment. To watch the complete playlist click here.

Forum Discussions


Hi Revtoby, Welcome to Grace.  I'm sorry you and your wife are worried about cancer but we couldn't say whether or not your wife's leison is cancer no matter how much...

Canyil, I'm sorry your father and you are going through this. While we can't give urgent help we are her to help offer info and resources to help make the best...

Hello and welcome to Grace.  I'm sorry you're going through this worry.  It is normal to watch a small very slow-growing solid nodule with once-a-year CT scans.  Anything less than a...

Thanks you very much. So in summary the course of action taken suggested by lung specalist (re scan in 12 months) seems appropriate? And a PET at this stage is probably...

I can't say what is appropriate for you that's only something your professionals with all your information can do.  However, when someone has a solid nodule less than a cm that...

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Pencoast Tumor
By Mackensie31 on
Blue Sun, I'm glad your mom…
By JanineT GRACE … on
Good news
By happybluesun on
Hi Revtoby, Welcome to Grace…
By JanineT GRACE … on

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Read what our community is saying about GRACE

Thank you SO much for this site! I found great info on this site when I was originally diagnosed with NSCLC in 2014. After my lobectomy in Feb. 2015, staged 1B, I assumed I would be cancer-free forever. Unfortunately, this week a CT revealed that the cancer has returned in both lungs and I am eager to gather as much information as I can to give myself the best outcome possible. Thank you so much for the reply and words of encouragement, Janine! In addition to the moral support, this site has already provided me with invaluable answers to some questions I've had regarding first line treatments (e.g., Afatinib v. Tarceva, Immunotherapy v. oral targeted therapy for EGFR mutations). Thank you again!


I thank GRACE and its fine staff, professionals, volunteers, and other correspondents for all the support and helpful information I have received, even though it's been a while since I've been online (except to eavesdrop). I especially thank Dr. West, for impressing and inspiring my oncologist (and me as well). I also appreciate the wonderful physicians and other healthcare staff who have taken such good care of me over these past ten years. And I am so very fortunate for my wonderful husband and step-children, who have been enormously supportive and helpful along this path.

Shy One

This journey has been an incredible emotional roller coaster ride, but you have been through it with me from the beginning. Thank you for your support, your information, and for all you do to make this journey a little bit more tolerable. I am so very, very, grateful. May the year ahead be filled with blessings of love and peace and health for all of you who work so hard to help others!


After a year or so of internet searching I found this site. Nothing compares. On behalf of everyone that is touched by cancer, thank you for your extraordinary efforts.


[This] is the most accessible, easily understood, and useful forum dialog available on the net for us lung cancer survivors.


We are so grateful for your always balanced perspective between optimism and reality.


I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do with this website. You are amazing. So many doctors would not take the time to give such long and thoughtful and helpful comments. Bless you and you bring tears to my eyes for your kindness and dedication. Thank you so much!


Grace is unique. It's given us information seekers a place to gather and plan the overthrow of the local cancer centers. I kid but I see the faces of doctors when I say I've been reading online but I've been doing it for 20 years and I don't think it's a fad. Thank you Dr. West for accepting that and helping us out. 


CancerGRACE is an amazing organization to collaborate with to help empower individuals impacted by cancer. They provide great resources to effectively educate the community and are always very responsive to ensuring the most accurate information is available. It is great to partner with an organization that is aligned with Patient Empowerment Network’s mission!

Reagan LaBor, MHA,