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Imagine your body's defense system, the lymphatic system, suddenly turning against you. This is the reality for those facing lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system's crucial network. This article delves into the complexities of lymphoma, exploring its various forms, from the aggressive to the indolent, and examining the latest breakthroughs in treatment, including the groundbreaking POLARIX trial and cutting-edge therapies for relapsed cases. Whether you're a patient, a loved one, or simply curious about this complex disease, this comprehensive overview will provide valuable insights into the current state of lymphoma care and the promising future of research.

Melanoma Video Library

In these videos, Dr. Autumn Starnes gives an overview of melanoma's prevalence and risk factors. She also discusses the ABCDE method of self-screening for skin cancer, common misconceptions regarding people of color, and melanoma, and how a person can lower their risk of developing melanoma, among other relevant topics regarding melanoma. To watch the complete playlist, click here. Transcripts

Tumor Treating Fields 2023

In this video, GRACE provides an overview of Tumor Treating Fields, a wearable device that may be used to treat mesothelioma and glioblastoma multiforme. Video Transcript.

Ovarian Cancer 2024

In these videos, Dr. Mansoor Mirza discusses how endometrial cancer treatment has changed in the past decade, adjuvant radiotherapy for patients with early-stage disease, current phase III trials of adjuvant radiotherapy with chemo, and adjuvant chemo alone, the molecular profile of endometrial cancers and how it pertains to immunotherapy, immunotherapy options for treating advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer, study results from first-line endometrial cancer studies, and key takeaways to...

Lung Cancer OncTalk 2024

The 2024 Lung Cancer OncTalk was a live, virtual, interactive patient education event presented in December 2024, moderated by Dr. Ibiayi Dagogo-Jack, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a Medical Oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, and joined by speakers: Dr. Misty Shields, Indiana University School of Medicine, Dr. Alissa Cooper, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Dr. Angel Qin, University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center, and Dr. Julia Rotow, Harvard...

Blood Cancers OncTalk 2024

This event was moderated by Dr. Sridevi Rajeeve, Memorial Sloan Kettering, joined by speakers: Dr. Hamza Hashmi, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Dr. Michele Stanchina, University of Miami, Dr. Muhammad Salman Faisal, Oklahoma University, and Dr. Andrew Srisuwananukorn, Ohio State University Topics include: - Myeloma 101: Facts and Fiction of the 'Myeloma Marathon' - Updates in DLBCL - Treatment Basics of Bone Marrow Transplant - Frontline Therapies in Myelofibrosis - Panel Discussions and a Question...

Trial data ASCO 2024

In this video series from ASCO 2024, Drs. Aakash Desai and Fauwzi Abu Rous discuss trial dates and clinical data as presented at the 2024 ASCO. To watch the complete playlist, click here.

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My dad was given Tarceva in…
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Thank you SO much for this site! I found great info on this site when I was originally diagnosed with NSCLC in 2014. After my lobectomy in Feb. 2015, staged 1B, I assumed I would be cancer-free forever. Unfortunately, this week a CT revealed that the cancer has returned in both lungs and I am eager to gather as much information as I can to give myself the best outcome possible. Thank you so much for the reply and words of encouragement, Janine! In addition to the moral support, this site has already provided me with invaluable answers to some questions I've had regarding first line treatments (e.g., Afatinib v. Tarceva, Immunotherapy v. oral targeted therapy for EGFR mutations). Thank you again!


I thank GRACE and its fine staff, professionals, volunteers, and other correspondents for all the support and helpful information I have received, even though it's been a while since I've been online (except to eavesdrop). I especially thank Dr. West, for impressing and inspiring my oncologist (and me as well). I also appreciate the wonderful physicians and other healthcare staff who have taken such good care of me over these past ten years. And I am so very fortunate for my wonderful husband and step-children, who have been enormously supportive and helpful along this path.

Shy One

This journey has been an incredible emotional roller coaster ride, but you have been through it with me from the beginning. Thank you for your support, your information, and for all you do to make this journey a little bit more tolerable. I am so very, very, grateful. May the year ahead be filled with blessings of love and peace and health for all of you who work so hard to help others!


After a year or so of internet searching I found this site. Nothing compares. On behalf of everyone that is touched by cancer, thank you for your extraordinary efforts.


[This] is the most accessible, easily understood, and useful forum dialog available on the net for us lung cancer survivors.


We are so grateful for your always balanced perspective between optimism and reality.


I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do with this website. You are amazing. So many doctors would not take the time to give such long and thoughtful and helpful comments. Bless you and you bring tears to my eyes for your kindness and dedication. Thank you so much!


Grace is unique. It's given us information seekers a place to gather and plan the overthrow of the local cancer centers. I kid but I see the faces of doctors when I say I've been reading online but I've been doing it for 20 years and I don't think it's a fad. Thank you Dr. West for accepting that and helping us out. 


CancerGRACE is an amazing organization to collaborate with to help empower individuals impacted by cancer. They provide great resources to effectively educate the community and are always very responsive to ensuring the most accurate information is available. It is great to partner with an organization that is aligned with Patient Empowerment Network’s mission!

Reagan LaBor, MHA,