Colon Cancer - 1253225


Hello my sister in law has colon cancer. She is taking chemo 3 days a week every other week. She is in her 4th set of treatments. She is so sick with this set of treatments this time. Is there anything she can do or eat to make this better on her stomach?


certain spring
Posts: 762

I'm sorry to hear about your sister in law. I hope she has been prescribed anti-nausea pills such as domperidone, ondansetron, cyclizine? They really helped me during chemotherapy.
Lots of people here will have home-made methods that worked for them - our moderator is a fan of ginger for example, and Dr West has mentioned lemon drops as a way of dealing with the taste changes that often come with chemotherapy.
Am sure others will chime in. Best wishes to your sister in law.


CS should be our spokeswoman for WBR and memory. She's had WBR and she's got an outstanding mind...but I'm sure the outstanding brain is not because of the treatment rather in spite of. I
Anyway, yes I made it a point to chop up ginger in lots of dishes in the days of and just after treatment. It seemed he always liked those dishes. Maybe he just likes ginger but it is one of the few foods/supplements that's been proven to help do something to someone. so...

Here's a link to a video/podcast of Dr. Harman and a discussion on nausea. I must admit I've not seen, listened to or read the transcript of it not because I wouldn't trust it but because I used her previous written blog post to learn from.


and the older one,

Dr West
Posts: 4735

Because Janine and certain spring have provided all of the relevant information, I have little to add but my welcome and hope that the information of the many options available might be useful. We have a pretty substantial armamentarium of treatments for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, but it can be a major challenge for some people even when we have many tools at our disposal.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

Posts: 1

Some home made remedies are there which really helps like ginger juice it really helpful uou can also eat more fiber fruits and green vegetables. Fiber are hard to digest but helps to soften the stool.