Maintenance for Stage 2 Locally Recurrent NSCLC - 1255660


Is maintenance normally prescribed for a stage 1b nsclc cancer that locally recurred then treated with radiation and 1st line chemo? Everything I find refers to stage 3 & 4 nsclc.



If you've been treated for cure and it works you won't have reason to treat. If cancer still exists it will make itself known. You'll have followup scans, just in case. If it does recur there are treatment options. It's important to not use up chemo options unnecessarily. I certainly hope you will have no reason for anymore chemo.

The closer type treatment is adjuvant which is given after surgery. This is a explanation of adjuvant treatment including timing and stats.…

Dr West
Posts: 4735

To ask whether something is ever done is different from asking whether it's sensible -- just about everything out there can be said to sometimes be done. Based on what we know now, there is no reason to think that there should be any value in giving more than 4 cycles of chemo or about 3 months of additional systemic therapy of any kind to someone treated with curative intent. If you need more than that to keep the cancer at bay, you're treating advanced disease, and it can't be thought of as being with curative intent.

-Dr. West