Ground glass nodules - 1256519


I recently had a CT abdomen & chest w/contrast (r/o kidney stones) and these were the results found in my chest. I'm 59 y/o, female, non-smoker who has been feeling fatigued, nights sweats, and mild weight loss. I also have noticed increased SOB w/exertion. My physician recommends repeat CT in 6 mos to a year.
What are your thoughts?

LOWER CHEST: There is an 8mm nodule in the right lower lobe adjacent
to the major fissure (series 3 image 14). There is an additional
ground glass nodule in the right middle lobe measuring 4mm (series 3
image 4). Punctate calcified granulomas present in the right lower

I also had a melanoma over 20 years ago and another 3 years ago, but had everything removed successfully.


Posts: 2753

Hi pamcakes,

Welcome to GRACE. I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms and the concerning results of your scan. It's a judgment call by your doctor, but waiting/watching is a typical strategy with small lung nodules. If your physician is not a pulmonologist or oncologist, it might be a good idea to seek a consultation with one of those specialists. Otherwise, a second opinion with such a specialist might be helpful.

You can read about the evaluation and treatment of pulmonary nodules here:…

I hope you feel better and that the nodules prove to be unremarkable.

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Dr West
Posts: 4735

Yes, it's hard to say what this might represent, as sub-centimeter nodules can represent anything from a benign finding to a new cancer or metastastic cancer from elsewhere. The main way we evaluate things further is to see how they change or don't change over time, and then to biopsy any accessible lesions that are accessible and suspicious enough to warrant that. A doctor reviewing the films, and ideally with some knowledge of your own medical history, would be in the best position to recommend whether repeat imaging alone or an attempted biopsy would be most appropriate now.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

Posts: 2

Thanks JimC....

being a retired oncology nurse myself I always "go long" with sx (meaning I fear the worst and then fall back when all is well). I feel lucky I've dodged the bullet with my melanomas and would hate like hell to develop a primary lung CA. :)

Hopefully my next CT will show stability and no growth.

Thanks again so much for this forum in which to express my thoughts and read about others challenges!

Posts: 1

I realize your post is from May of 2013 but had to comment anyway. Your symptoms and part of your CT scan are EXACTLY what I had and eventually got diagnosed with Nontuberculosis mycobacterium. It was identified as MAC. Mycobacterium Avium Complex. It is on the rise and the most common victims are older women, slender, non-smokers.
After my first cat scan I waited 6 months for another scan which was worse, so I had a bronchoscopy which grew out NTM (non tuberculosis mycobacterium. It is not as easily treated as tuberculosis. Need to take 3 antibiotics for 12 to 18 months!
I am very interested to hear if you have gotten a diagnosis yet.
I am also sorry to hear about your CT scan.

By the way, MAC is found everywhere - soil, shower heads, hot tubs surface water, tap water, soil, domestic and wild animals, milk, and food products. And on and on.

Posts: 2753

Hi paulande,

Welcome to GRACE. I'm glad to hear that you received a non-cancer diagnosis, as difficult as it may have been, and that it was something for which an established treatment existed.

It doesn't appear that pamcakes has posted since last May, and that is not unusual if her eventual diagnosis was not cancer. We will hope that was the case! Unfortunately that means she may no longer be following this thread or visiting this forum.

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