Update on Local Recurrence after 2.5 years - 1257868


I know I posted about this but can't find it anywhere. Clicked on my name and most posts came up but not this one.Though my title was different, I had already received responses from Dr. West and Dr. Loiselle.
I went to Boston and met with Dr. Sugarbaker who is all professional and answered all my questions.
He wanted a current brain MRI (which I did ask my med onc for when the recurrence was found and he said no need) and a mediastinoscopy before agreeing to surgery. Though he also said if there were mets in either or found, he might still be able to do the lobectomy after they were treated. They wanted me back in Boston on Tuesday at 7am and there was no way I could make it happen, so had to reschedule for August. I'll have to be there for 2 days and 3 nights due to pre-op being done early the day before the surgery. I had the brain MRI here at home and the results are no brain mets! YEAH! I also don't feel I have any lymph node involvement, but the mediastinoscopy will tell. So I'm pretty confident the surgery will be a go and hopefully will be many if any more years before any new recurrences show up. Wishing the best for all. Take care, Judy



Judy, I wish you the best of luck with surgery. I know you will have plans in place to travel home so soon after surgery, such as the most comfy auto you can muster for the ride and a lazy boy recliner at home for recovery and of course prescription pain meds dosed to your needs before you leave hospital. I'm sorry I can't help myself. I know you've been through it before but you're family and I have no control over your care, you're in my thoughts.