I have been hearing some good things about C0-1686 from Clovis Oncology. If I understand correctly this drug in is Stage II trials and is being developed for patients to take when resistance to Tarceva and/or T790M occurs.
Is this correct, how far along are the trials, does it appear that is will be more effective than Afatnib and do you have any idea how long it could be before released to the public?
I realize that some of these questions may be difficult to answer since this drug is still in trial studies but, I am interested in knowing your professional opinion on the drug or any other new drug that will be able to help when Tarceva resistance occurs.
Thank you
Reply # - August 18, 2013, 05:31 PM
Reply To: CO-1686
Hi Josephine, you're right in thinking that it's not possible to know how a drug may react until data from phase 3 trials are analyzed. Here's the link to the info about the trial I think you're asking about, http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01526928?term=clovis+oncology&ran…
Since it's a phase 1/2 trial there isn't enough info to say what efficacy might be.
Here are links to a series of video posts on the subject of clinical trials. You can also access the transcripts.
I hope this is helpful. Please don't hesitate to ask followup questions for our doctors.
forum moderator
Reply # - August 18, 2013, 06:03 PM
Reply To: CO-1686
Early signals of activity of this drug were just reported at the ASCO annual meeting this year. This was a first-in-human study, which, to my knowledge, has not actually been published yet. In general, drugs like this still have quite a way to go in safety and activity testing before they might ever become commercially available.
There are a lot of drugs competing for market approval in this 'acquired EGFR resistance' space. I am including a hyperlink to a review article (which makes for dense, scientific reading) summarizing some of them: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3673302/
Suffice to say, nothing has emerged yet as a clear 'winner' in this setting.
Here is a link to Dr Sequist's presentation on CO-1686:
Hope this helps.