Let's start again? Question about C Diff - 1259728


Let me shorten the Question, I have the Lung Cancer. I am on Xalkori, my husband had a Bowel resection and it is a week today and he hasn't moved to the clear liquids yet. They think he may have gotten CDiff? How or what should I do to protect myself as a Cancer Patient?


Posts: 194

I'm sorry about his condition, C diff is a troublesome issue. Make sure everyone in your family washes their hands with warm water and soap, every time they leave his room. Wear the gowns provided by the hospital. The alcohol-based sanitizers are not enough, they have no activity against C diff spores.

In general, persons most at risk for C diff have had their normal gut bacteria depleted by antibiotics, or immunocompromised for other reasons. In general, there are some studies suggesting that foods like yoghurt may be helpful in preventing C diff. Hope this helps.

Posts: 324

Thank You Dr. Creelan! Even thou he is on the Antibiotic he is still running to the bathroom. His tube fell out of his Nose during the night and the nurses tried to put it backin with much pain to my husband so he made them stop. His Dr said they didn't have to reinsert it but as the day went on he started to have nausea and it looked like his stomach was getting descended? They allowed him some clear liquids but it was giving him pains and Nausea. I hope tomorrow turns around! I hate to say it but I'm what is considered a Cancer Princess as he has me very spoiled! Shoe is on the other foot right now! Thank You Dr. West and Catdander!


I'm so sorry about your husband's GI issues. I hope he's better soon so he can continue his care of the cancer princess. ;)

Just for closure's sake this is from a thread I created on which Dr. West commented, "...However, I can recall that what I said was that there shouldn’t be any significant increased risk of infection from XALKORI (crizotinib) because it’s not significantly immunosuppressive. It’s probably appropriate to follow the same recommendations you’d follow for anyone visiting a spouse who might possibly have a C Difficile infection, nothing special for being treated with XALKORI for lung cancer.
-Dr. West"

Keep us posted,

Posts: 324

Thanks everyone! After 14 days in the hospital he is finally home and is moving slowly towards getting back to normal! I guess it is typical for him to have to pick and choose his meals to see what works and what doesn't. I made it thru with no harmful side affects other than total exhaustion and Chapped hands from all the hand washings! Thanks again!