Question on side effects od Affantib? - 1261654


Could Hypoxia be caused by taking Afantinib?

The Ariad drug can in a low % of cases. Enough to keep me out because she thought it might for me. It was a good call as I know have it.



Posts: 194

Like Iressa and Tarceva, the afatinib (Gilotrif) can very rarely cause inflammation in the lungs, called pneumonitis. This can cause hypoxia.

This can happen in about 1% of patients. It is more common in Asian patients, it is more like 2%. The common way to diagnose it is with CT scan and clinical judgement.

This is a side effect seen with all the other EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors, including Iressa and Tarceva.

Hope this helps.

Dr West
Posts: 4735

I agree with every word from Dr. Creelan, and I'd only add that the challenge is that there are other potential causes for hypoxia in patients with cancer, so I wouldn't presume that this is the leading explanation in the absence of imaging showing a diffuse new infiltrate in the lungs that started on an EGFR inhibitor.

Good luck.

-Dr. West