I am booked for VATS resection of right middle lung lobe. - 1265388


If the ipsilateral lymph nodes are clear can I assume that I have a surgical cure and will not require
Chemotherapy ?

Sincerely, Glenda McGregor ) glenglen@tbaytel.net


Dr West
Posts: 4735

If there is no lymph node involvement for what appears to be an early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), chemotherapy is generally not recommended for tumors less than about 4 cm. However, for cancers measuring about 4 cm or greater in diameter, there is potentially a benefit from chemotherapy after surgery, though it tends to be modest. The recommendation for chemotherapy after surgery is individualized and really based on the whole collection of findings on the pathology from the surgery, as well as based on how a patient is doing clinically after surgery and their preferences about taking any additional treatment that might provide a modest increase in cure but needs to be weighed against the up front risks of further therapy.

Here's a very good summary of our approach to adding systemic therapy for early stage NSCLC:


Good luck.

-Dr. West