Does Shoulder pain w/ family history of LC warrant MRI for pancoast tumor? - 1266865


I am 32 years old, lost my mother to BAC cancer in her late 40's. I recently noticed pain in shoulder when waking up, pain level of only 2, feels sore. Also experience sharp pain in armpit and sometimes dull ache in collarbone, all of this on right side.

I had negative chest x-ray.

Pain and discomfort is gone. I also do have slightly noticeable droopy eyelid but had it for over 3-4 years since i noticed it myself. Doctor says it's not syndrome associated with Pancoast. CBC, BUN clear.

I understand it's extremely rare for LC at my age, 1 in 1,000. But should I press for MRI to doctor who does not seem concerned, even with my family history and past marijuana smoking.


Posts: 2753

Hi doubletime,

Welcome to GRACE. I am very sorry to hear that you lost your mother to BAC.

As far as your own situation, as you say there is an very low probability that you have a pancoast tumor. There are many more likely reasons other than cancer to have the pain you experienced. In addition, the fact that your pain and discomfort has resolved is not consistent with a cancer diagnosis - cancer pain becomes worse over time, not spontaneously better. Dr. West discussed the possibility of a pancoast tumor in a person of your age here.

If your symptoms recur, you may want to seek further workup, including the possibility of an MRI, which images musculoskeletal issues well.

I hope you remain pain-free.

Forum moderator

Dr West
Posts: 4735

If you want to do a search of the site you can see that the question "I have some shoulder pain: should I get an MRI (or, should I get a 2nd or third imaging study after my negative imaging thus far?)" is in the top 5 questions we receive here.

I'm afraid that whatever website that is leading to a global presumption that every case of shoulder pain represents an occult Pancoast tumor is doing a great disservice to the world. Perhaps it's being sponsored by GE or some other manufacturer of MRI machines.

Do any of these people actually have a Pancoast tumor? Yes, about 1 in 500, I suspect.

-Dr. West