OAK trial enrollment suspended? - 1267398


As can be seen in the thread where I log my wife's condition, we have been keeping an eye open on the MPDL3280A "OAK" trial, MPDL3280A vs Docetaxel.

Discussion with the oncologist today suggests we are nearing the end of the run with maintenance bevacizumab. It'll be about a year's time on it. The oncologists and the study nurse have always updated us on the OAK trial, being sure to mention it was still accruing.

Today, the oncologist said something curious, and I should have been more persistent, but was caught unawares. She said that enrollment had been suspended. Not ended, suspended. It may open again.

Any insight (if possible) on this would be appreciated.


Posts: 83

We're in Minneapolis, here it's being run by the Community Clinic Oncology Program. I believe it's the one listed out of St. Louis Park.

This might be one of those unanswerable questions.

Perhaps it's just local in that a key individual is unavailable, or the local site has met it's quota or some such mundane reason.

I would assume if it were bigger news (good or bad) there would have been a press release from Roche.

Posts: 2753


There's really no reason you can't call the trial coordinator and inquire if the trial accrual is suspended, if so why and when they might expect to be accepting patients again. They might not tell you, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Forum moderator

Dr West
Posts: 4735

I haven't heard that and just saw online ads about the OAK trial while reviewing some other information online. I would think that if the OAK trial were not enrolling, the sponsor company wouldn't be spending advertising dollars trying to increase awareness and drum up accrual.

Please keep us posted if you learn more. I'll do the same if I learn anything new.

-Dr. West

Posts: 83

OK, got an answer. My wife Lucy spoke with the study nurse, it's an issue of staffing and training, they expect to be accruing again in January.

Sorry for the false alarm. Like I said, I was caught unawares and amidst the discussion about the bevacizumab appearing to have about run it's course I forgot to pursue the matter.

Thank you both very kindly, Judy, Jim and Dr. West.