Adeno and abnormal sputum production - 1268610


My question deals with Bronchorrhea. Is treatment with octreotide still the preferred treatment or are other new treatments favoured? Thanking you in advance..dcc


Posts: 2753

Hi dcc,

A few years back, Dr. West wrote a thorough post on the various attempts to manage Bronchorrhea. More recently, he stated:

"I’m sorry to say that I don’t have any updates to offer. I do think that the efficacy of Iressa (gefitinib) or another EGFR inhibitor is likely to be through the more direct effect on the underlying cancer — overall, I think that by far the most effective treatment avenue for the bronchorrhea is to suppress the underlying cancer. Honestly, I feel that all we really do otherwise is flail but not have any really meaningful impact on bronchorrhea. I certainly haven’t found any gratifyingly effective treatment for it, though I wish I had more constructive things to suggest. It may be uncommon, but it’s very troubling for the patients who experience it, and by extension frustrating for those of us who mostly just bite our lip wishing we had more useful strategies to manage it." -…

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Posts: 2753

I guess Janine and I think alike; she just thinks (and types) a bit faster!

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Ha ha... But I didn't copy and paste the main point like you.

It's a really good thread Certain Spring, Debra, and Linnea and Craig had so much to offer with first hand experience coping with this. As I recall there seems to have started a good bit of positive feedback on the physiotherapy certain spring and others have talked about in later threads.