New L1 CAM Patient - 1269127


I am so scared.

I was adopted in 1985 and my adoptive mother just came to me with all of this information that my biological mother and my biological sister both have the L1 CAM mutation gene.

My big question is: How likely is it that I have it? A family friend keeps saying its 50/50, but how sure can he be when there is SO LITTLE research on this disorder? He may be right, but I want to hear it from the horse's mouth.

My other question: has anyone on this forum done IVF to have the "non L1 mutated eggs" fertilized and implanted?

My fiance and I were wanting to have a honeymoon baby.

I have gotten a Dr, referral to get my genetic testing expedited, but the earliest they can take me is June. Luckily, my biological sister is an angel and sent the adoption agency her medical records, so hopefully I will know sooner than most, but that hasn't stopped me from crying hysterically.

This whole situation has been a double whammy for me, as my birth family has reached out through the adoption agency,

Any words of wisdom are welcome. I am just so sad and so scared.


Posts: 2753

Hi Lizzy,

Welcome to GRACE. I am sorry to hear how this information has caused you such worry.

Unfortunately your question is outside the expertise of the faculty on this site, and you are correct to consult with a genetics expert, who would be best suited to provide answers to your questions. One thought which does come to mind is whether your biological sister shares both parents with you or just your birth mother (in other words, is she a half-sister). That would be important for the genetics expert to know.

Wishing you a good consultation with good news.

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