Is this stage iv Lung Cancer? - 1273423


Hi all,

I wonder if you can help me.

I took my dad to the docs with a cough and after an Xray which showed two large growths on his right Lung we then had a CT scan. His staging came back as T4 N3 M1a

I did some asking around and was told this is not good in terms of his prognosis. But my brother took my dad to the Respiratory clinic and an intern there told him that my dad will have Chemo and that his survival is well into 5 years.

I don't know what to think anymore as my brother says I'm panicking and behaving like a drama queen.

Can someone please offer me some advice? My dad is having further tests and Biopsy over the coming weeks.

If there is any other info I should post? I am looking at the typed CT report.



Hi luckybrown,

I'm sorry your dad is going through this. A biopsy will need to be done before the cancer diagnosis is final. A PET scan will likely follow that if it's indeed cancer to see if there are other sights of malignancy. It's not possible for anyone to say how long your dad has even if it's cancer and not curable. Even oncologists are bad at guessing how long someone may live. If he has stage IV cancer there are many options for treatment and many people are living 5 years and over with that diagnosis.

We have many blog posts and videos that are very helpful with learning about lung cancer and it's treatment.

An important aspect of the biopsy will be to get enough tissue to have genetic testing done if it's cancer.

I hope he does well,