What evidence of combining Alimta and Xalkori in Ros1+ NSCLC? - 1293196


Is there any data/evidence that the combination of Alimta and Xalkori would give promising results without significant side effects? My daughter has been on both drugs separately. The Xalkori targeted the masses in all but the liver so she was removed from the Xalkori and given Alimta which was effective in all but the lung. So it appears that a combination might cover all sites. Are there any patients that have tried this combination or Doctors that can comment on the feasibility?

Thank you



Hi fanos,

There are several studies taking place but we don't yet have any answers to the question about a xalkori alimta combo. So we don't know if it will help, hurt or neither.

The standard or care would be to move to a 2nd gen ALK inhibitor such as alectinib or ceritinib.

We have quite a bit of new info on the subject. The link below is to all the presentations specifically on ALK rearrangement from last weeks' Grace conference in Cleveland. It's pretty long with a blank space at the beginning. The first speaker is a young man (young to me) who has stage IV nsclc with ALK. He speaks about his experience. Around an 30 minutes Dr. Gadgeel talks about the development of ALK inhibitors then at around an hour Dr. Shaw talks about the path taken at resistance to crizotinib.


I hope this helps.