BAC mapping to those other new names - 1245216


I thought it might be good to christen this re-newed BAC discussion category with a citation for an article that maps BAC to "new" adenocarcinoma subtype name variants -- all 5 of them. Well, no matter what pathologists call it in their lab test reports, it'll still be BAC to me.

Prognostic Patterns in the Histopathology of Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (2012)

- adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) (solitary, ≤ 3 cm, lepidic)
- minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA) (solitary, ≤ 3 cm, 3cm, > 5mm invasive, or multifocal)
- micropapillary adenocarcinoma (piling up and clustering of tumor cells in the alveoli)
- mucinous adenocarcinoma (mucinous BAC, > 3cm)

Best hopes,

- mBAC . . . er, um, maybe MuAd . . . but Dune scifi book fans can call me Muad'dib ;-)


Dr West
Posts: 4735


This is a good topic. I'll probably write a post about it. Right now, I think many people, including general oncologists and even some lung cancer specialists, have yet to embrace this reclassification. I'd like to cover the article in a dedicated post. Thanks for highlighting it.

-Dr. West