Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma - 1247942


I have had the only tumor removed and it was not attached to bone. Doing chemo for adjunctive care but not tolerating it well at all. My case is considered rare but I want to stop chemo. I am a 58 year old healthy female. Suggestions?


Posts: 2753


I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis and that you are not tolerating chemo well. It would be difficult for the faculty here to discuss your case with the limited amount of information available to them, and if your doctors have described your case as "rare" it would be especially hard to assess. I would suggest that you discuss other chemo options with your doctor, and perhaps a second opinion with another local doctor, preferably one at a teaching institution, to further assess your options. You may want to ask how much adjuvant chemo adds to your prognosis after surgery; sometimes it is not a great deal and when it's difficult to tolerate a decision may be made to omit it.

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Dr West
Posts: 4735

Yes, as Jim said, there just isn't enough information out there about your situation for us to offer suggestions, I'm afraid.

-Dr. West