Update on My Dad - 1250647


Dear Friends, I wanted to tell you all that my dad passed away last night. His passing was peaceful and pain free and the family was there with him.

We admitted him to hospice 9 days ago and he declined very quickly. Every day brought a new decline - it was heartbreaking. But hospice was absolutely wonderful in helping us to keep him comfortable. They supported my dad and the entire family. I will be eternally grateful to the nurses and aids for their kindness.

I will miss my dad for the rest of my life, but he is now resting with the angels and reunited wth my mom.


double trouble
Posts: 573

My deepest condolences, Sherry. I'm glad he had a peaceful passing surrounded by loved ones. I can't think of a better way to go.

Posts: 74

Sherry - I'm so sorry. You were a wonderful supportive daughter. I'll always admire you for having him move in with your family. I hope you are doing well---


Sherry I'm so sorry your dad is gone but I know what a gift it is to have been there during his passing. I'm happy it was peaceful.

You and your family are in my thoughts,

Posts: 25

Dear Sherry
I am so sorry for your loss.I know from my own experience the comfort to be found in future days from being there at the end and from the certainty that you did everything you could for your Dad.Concentrate on this and on the happy memories you will surely have and try to give no room to the what ifs that may try to creep in.Your Dad lived and died with love and you will get through this to happier times when you can smile when you think of him.

certain spring
Posts: 762

Sherry, I agree with everyone who has said that you couldn't have been a more loving, attentive and conscientious daughter. I am glad you were able to be with him when he died.

laya d.
Posts: 714

Dearest Sherry:

I'm so sorry and heartbroken to read that your Dad has passed away. And, I want to echo what others have said here - - that you are and were a wonderful caring loving daughter to your Dad. I wish you and the rest of your Dad's loved ones peace - - and, I'm incredibly grateful that he was comfortable and pain-free in the end.

With a heavy heart,

Dr West
Posts: 4735


I'm so sorry to hear of your father's passing. We could learn a lot from how gracefully you have managed so many challenges. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

-Dr. West

Posts: 126

Dear Sherry

My deepest sympathies. Your dad was so blessed to have you.

Blessings and love!

Posts: 69

Hi Sherry,

I'm so sorry you lost your dad. You provided so much love, help and support for him. I hope in that you can find some comfort. -- mikem

Posts: 50

Sherry-----what a loving daughter you have been to your Dad. Cherish the memories.