Author: Denise Brock

We continue to present final videos from this highly anticipated annual event, the 2020 Targeted Therapies Patient Forum. This event's live-online presentations and discussions were launched by our Event Chair, Luis E. Raez, MD FACP FCCP, Member of the GRACE Board of Directors, President of the Florida Society of Clinical Oncology (FLASCO), and Chief Scientific Officer & Medical Director at Memorial Cancer Institute. This day-long event featured top oncologists in their field, presenting the...

Author: Howard (Jack) West, MD

In this video series, presented in March of 2021, GRACE Board Members Dr. H. Jack West, Dr. Jared Weiss and Dr. Ben Levy have continued candid discussions regarding cancer and COVID-19. In this continued time of social distancing and limiting clinic exposure, the doctors sat down in their respective homes to discuss some of the questions we all hear regarding these unprecedented times, and how they effect primarily cancer patients. In this video the discussion is surrounding Covid 19 variants...

Author: Howard (Jack) West, MD

In this video series, presented in March of 2021, GRACE Board Members Dr. H. Jack West, Dr. Jared Weiss and Dr. Ben Levy have continued candid discussions regarding cancer and COVID-19 In this continued time of social distancing and limiting clinic exposure, the doctors sat down in their respective homes to discuss some of the questions we all hear regarding these unprecedented times, and how they effect primarily cancer patients. In this video the doctors discuss what patients should expect...

Author: Howard (Jack) West, MD

In this video series, presented in March of 2021, GRACE Board Members Dr. H. Jack West, Dr. Jared Weiss and Dr. Ben Levy have continued candid discussions regarding cancer and COVID-19. In this continued time of social distancing and limiting clinic exposure, the doctors sat down in their respective homes to discuss some of the questions we all hear regarding these unprecedented times, and how they effect primarily cancer patients. In this video the discussion is surrounding whether the COVID19...

Author: Howard (Jack) West, MD

In this video series, presented in March of 2021, GRACE Board Members Dr. H. Jack West, Dr. Jared Weiss and Dr. Ben Levy have continued candid discussions regarding cancer and COVID-19. In this continued time of social distancing and limiting clinic exposure, the doctors sat down in their respective homes to discuss some of the questions we all hear regarding these unprecedented times, and how they effect primarily cancer patients. In this video the discussion is surrounding the continued use of...

Author: Howard (Jack) West, MD

In this video series, presented in March of 2021, GRACE Board Members Dr. H. Jack West, Dr. Jared Weiss and Dr. Ben Levy have continued candid discussions regarding cancer and COVID-19. In this continued time of social distancing and limiting clinic exposure, the doctors sat down in their respective homes to discuss some of the questions we all hear regarding these unprecedented times, and how they effect primarily cancer patients. In this video the discussion is surrounding changes and...

Author: Howard (Jack) West, MD

In this video series, presented in March of 2021, GRACE Board Members Dr. H. Jack West, Dr. Jared Weiss and Dr. Ben Levy have continued candid discussions regarding cancer and COVID-19 In this continued time of social distancing and limiting clinic exposure, the doctors sat down in their respective homes to discuss some of the questions we all hear regarding these unprecedented times, and how they effect primarily cancer patients. In this video the discussion is surrounding trends and...

Author: Jared Weiss, MD

We continue to present final videos from this highly anticipated annual event, the 2020 Targeted Therapies Patient Forum. This year's live-online presentations and discussions were launched by our Event Chair, Luis E. Raez, MD FACP FCCP, Member of the GRACE Board of Directors, President of the Florida Society of Clinical Oncology (FLASCO), and Chief Scientific Officer & Medical Director at Memorial Cancer Institute. This day-long event featured top oncologists in their field, presenting the most...

Author: Zofia (Zosia) Piotrowska, MD, GRACE Faculty

We continue to present final videos from this highly anticipated annual event, the 2020 Targeted Therapies Patient Forum. This year's live-online presentations and discussions were launched by our Event Chair, Luis E. Raez, MD FACP FCCP, Member of the GRACE Board of Directors, President of the Florida Society of Clinical Oncology (FLASCO), and Chief Scientific Officer & Medical Director at Memorial Cancer Institute. This day-long event featured top oncologists in their field, presenting the most...