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This series discusses recent advances in HPV-related cancers, including treatment options, vaccination recommendations, and patient perspectives.

In this video series, Dr. Paul Romesser discusses recent advances in HPV related cancers, including treatment options, vaccination recommendations and patient perspectives. To watch the full playlist click here.

Dr. Jared Weiss, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses the genetic risk (or lack thereof) for lung cancer.

Please Note: While this is Still Excellent Background Info, New Treatments and Procedures Have Emerged Since this Original Post

Dr. Nathan Pennell, Cleveland Clinic, describes other options for treatment of acquired resistance, including chemotherapy, ablation with SBRT and a combination of Gilotrif and Erbitux.

Please Note: New Treatments Have Emerged Since this Original Post

Dr. Nathan Pennell, Cleveland Clinic, discusses the concept of acquired resistance and new agents designed to address it, including Rociletinib and Merelitinib.

Dr. Gerard Silvestri, Medical University of South Carolina, describes several procedures used to obtain biopsy tissue in order to diagnose lung cancer.

Dr. Gerard Silvestri, Medical University of South Carolina, discusses the use of PET scans in lung cancer workup.

Dr. Gerard Silvestri, Medical University of South Carolina, defines pulmonary function testing, and describes how lung cancer surgeons use them.

Dr. Gerard Silvestri, Medical University of South Carolina, describes the steps necessary to work up a lung cancer diagnosis, from initial scan to choice of treatment.

Dr. David Harpole, Duke University Medical Center, describes how he assists patients with the surgical decision-making process.

Dr. David Harpole, Duke University Medical Center, details the methods thoracic surgeons use to assess a patient's fitness for surgery.

Dr. David Harpole, Duke University Medical Center, describes the mediastinoscopy and its use in lung cancer staging.

Transcript More and more, when people are doing molecular testing on their tumor, they’re not just getting one test and if it’s negative doing another test — that’s called sequential testing, they’re doing lots of tests at the same time — that’s called multiplex testing. There are certain good

Dr. Jed Gorden, Swedish Cancer Institute, describes the differences between bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound, highlighting the advantages of EBUS in diagnosis and staging.

Dr. Jared Weiss, Vice President of GRACE and Associate Professor at UNC-Chapel Hill in Clinical Research, and the Thoracic Oncology Program at UNC Lineberger, discusses First Line EGFR-Based Therapy For Advanced Squamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).

Dr. Nathan Pennell, Cleveland Clinic, evaluates chemotherapy sensitivity assays, describing the difficulties inherent in predicting response to chemotherapy agents.