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Reacomodos de la Cinasa de Linfoma Anaplásico (CLA): ¿Qué Son? Y ¿Qué Pacientes la Tienen?

For our 16th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Brian Hunis, MD joined GRACE to discuss ALK rearrangements, what they are who has them.

¿Cómo los subtipos histológicos del cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas alteran las recomendaciones en el estadio avanzado?

For our third video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Antonio Calles, MD, Medical Oncologist, Thoracic Oncology Program, Hospital General Universitario, Gregorio Marraron, Madrid, Spain joined GRACE to discuss how NSCLC subtype (histology) can alter chemotherapy recommendations in advanced

Dr. Luis Raez, MD FACP FCCP, Chief of Hem/Onc and Med. Dir. at Memorial Cancer Institute, and Clinical Associate Prof. of Medicine at FL International University discusses Liquid Biopsies for EGFR.

Dr. Luis Raez, MD FACP FCCP, Chief of Hem/Onc and Med. Dir. at Memorial Cancer Institute, and Clinical Associate Prof. of Medicine at FL International University discusses Liquid Biopsies for Broad Next Generation Sequencing Testing.

Stephen Liu, MD provides updates to our Lung Cancer Video Library. In this recent video, Dr. Liu discusses current standards for Molecular Testing At Initial Diagnosis Of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).

Dr. Nathan Pennell, Cleveland Clinic, evaluates chemotherapy sensitivity assays, describing the difficulties inherent in predicting response to chemotherapy agents.

Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC), also known as adenocarcinoma in situ, is an unusual subtype of lung cancer with its own appearance under a microscope and on imaging. Dr. Jack West introduces some of the basics of the unique features of BAC. Download PDF Transcript Transcript One of the unusual

Unfortunately, there is as much misinformation as good information about the unusual subtype of lung cancer known as bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) or adenocarcinoma in situ. Dr. Jack West reviews the top 5 myths. Download PDF Transcript Transcript One of the unusual subtypes of lung cancer is

Interventional pulmonologist Dr. Jed Gorden reviews malignant pleural effusions (MPEs) are a common complication of lung cancer and some other cancers. Transcript So, I wanted to talk to you today about pleural effusions. Pleural effusions — it’s a complex term, and it’s a very common problem, so

Dr. Jed Gorden describes the details of how a thoracentesis is performed in order to clarify the diagnosis and treat symptoms of a malignant pleural effusion (MPE). Transcript With the pleural fluid that’s built up around the lung — this fluid that exist in between the linings, or as we discussed

A tunneled pleural catheter is an excellent way to manage the symptoms of a recurrent malignant pleural effusion. Dr. Jed Gorden describes how it is placed and how it works. Transcript So we’re talking today about pleural fluid — fluid that resides around the lung, in-between this space that we’re

Dr. Jed Gorden reviews the technique of pleurodesis to manage the complication of recurrent malignant pleural effusion (MPE). Transcript So we’re talking today about pleural fluid, the fluid that builds up around the lung — fluid that causes people be short of breath, often have symptoms like cough

Dr. Jack West, medical oncologist/lung cancer specialist, describes special management considerations for indolent lung cancers that may not require treatment or are at risk for “over-treatment.”

Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is an unusual subtype of lung cancer; medical oncologist Dr. Jack West reviews the evidence on the best systemic therapy to treat advanced, multifocal BAC.

Dr. Ed Kim from the Levine Cancer Institute in Charlotte, NC summarizes the mechanism of next generation sequencing (NGS), how it can potentially be used, and its limitations in clinical practice today.