3rd Generation ALK Inhibitors? - 1257908


My wife is 58 with NSCLC and ALK+. She was on Crizotinib but progressed after about 13 months. She recently joined 2nd gen trial with ASP3026 with Dr. Gandara at UC Davis and seems to be having a positive response after first cycle. Looking ahead, have you heard of any work being done on 3rd gen ALK+ inhibitors or is it just too early (not enough experience with patients who have progressed on 2nd gen to guide development of 3rd gen)? Are there significant enough differences in the 2nd gen drugs that would suggest being able to migrate to a different 2nd gen drug after progression or are you limited to only one 2nd gen drug with little expected benefit from different 2nd gen drugs?


Posts: 2753


It's just way too early for there to be enough experience with these questions. As Dr. West has said (responding to a bit different situation in which a patient did not respond at all to Crizotinib):

"Similarly, there’s no real information yet to say that the patients who didn’t respond initially have the same, less, or more chance of responding to another ALK inhibitor. The number of people who have received a different ALK inhibitor probably totals somewhere in the dozens now in the world, which means that only a few were primarily resistant, and probably so few in any one place that it’s not possible to draw any inferences about that." - http://cancergrace.org/topic/alk-or-ros1-nsclc-patient-group/page/10/#p…

I'm hoping that your wife responds so well to this 2nd generation drug that you don't need to be concerned about 3rd generation for a long time, and that if and when you do there will be new and better drugs available.

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