Bladder Discomfort Months After Surgery - 1269566


Last November I had a ureteroneocystostomy, with vesicles-posts hitch or bladder flap; pelvic lymphadenectomy, including external iliac, hypo gastric. I'm not exacting sure what all that means, but I know they removed a tumor from my ureter and then reimplanted the ureter into my bladder. Also removed some lymph nodes. I started chemo in January and just finished three weeks ago. I have noticed in the last couple of weeks that when I urinate, when finished, I feel like my bladder is "bruised", or like a slight bladder spasm. This happens whether I am trying to "squeeze" the last drop out or not. (Sorry to be so graphic but I don't know how else to describe it.). My husband and I have attempted to resume sexual relationships, gently, slowly, and occasionally. I don't think this has anything to do with my discomfort, but I'm not sure. I may have had this pain all along and just didn't notice it since I was so miserable during the chemo anyway.
I am scheduled to see my urologist mid-June. I'm just wondering if it's okay to wait. (Of course since my diagnosis was Stage 4 - cancer in 2 of 21 lymph nodes removed - I worry that every pain is a sign of a new cancer.)
Thanks for your thoughts....


Dr West
Posts: 4735

I think it is most appropriate to let your doctor know when you have new symptoms that are worrisome, particularly if the weight would be longer than a week or two. Unfortunately, we cannot provide reassurances about the significance of symptoms that we really cannot know the details of.

Good luck.
Dr. West

Posts: 635

I wouldn't wait, I'd call now and inform them of your symptoms.Take care, Judy
I am a lung cancer patient and not a medical professional.