Enough radiation? - 1257572


Lumpectomy 2009. Triple negative. AC then T dose dense x 8. 25 rads. Local recurrence march 2013. BMx and chemo. Question is this. My planned dose was 4455.44818351485cGy left breast. Actual dose was 1603.963035cGy.
Tumour bed planned dose 831.421777011579cGy. Actual dose 266.055064cGy. Obviously not an expert in this but looks to me I got less than half of planned dose. I was 43 with no health problems.
I know lumpectomy without radiation has a much higher recurrence rate. Did I not get enough radiation? My radiated breast looked as good as my non radiated breast.
Was this within proper protocol to give less than half of planned dose? Or am I reading this wrong?????


Dr West
Posts: 4735

I am not a radiation oncologist, but I think those numbers make no sense. I've never seen radiation doses written as >10 digit numbers with detailed decimals. I think there's something wrong with that notation and would suggest that you speak with the radiation oncologist who oversaw your treatment to clarify this. The fact that your radiated breast looks good doesn't mean it didn't get effective radiation.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

Posts: 3

Thank you. I will schedule an appointment to speak with her. She was very compassionate during treatment but stopped personally returning my calls during treatment. I'm just trying to make sense of why I had local recurrence and I don't understand the dosage numbers. Will let you know what she says