Forgive me if this has been discussed before and I have missed it. I am struggling to find recent threads - by which I mean since we moved to the new site. What's foxed me totally is the "replies" archive in the Profile section. I just want a list of the threads I have contributed to. I've looked and, although lots come up, this morning I couldn't find two I wanted from the last few days. One was started by ssflxl, and is called "This was reported in the NEJM"; the other I think was started by MarkG, and is about Tarceva resistance (although there are a lot of those). Update: Found both, but not through my Profile page - I posted in both, but neither seems to be logged in the list of topics I have posted in.
I've also had trouble using other people's profiles to locate threads that I know they've contributed to. How does one create a global list that shows all GRACE activity - mine or someone else's? On the old site (sorry to mention that word!), you just got a list of all prior posts, and although it was cumbersome you could usually find what you wanted. Sorry if I'm being feeble. Many thanks.
finding recent threads - 1242796
certain spring